Wednesday 29 August 2012

Catching the Big Fish: How Your Website can convert your Traffic into Money

This is the age of information, of rapidly shrinking yet ‘intellectually’ gaining computing devices, smart people with smartphones and a ready link to the ‘cloud’ of information on the World Wide Web. It’s an academic question these days if your company has a website? If the answer is NO, you probably were unfrozen from your decades old cryogenic sleep recently and are confused and adjusting to the modern world. And if it was YES, and you are a SME or a B2C or B2B trading company, you might be wondering if your little website is supposed to make any difference to your business at all. Websites were, are and will always be a well calculated promotional device. If yours is underperforming, it needs the quick fix. 

A professional website is also a productive website and we are not talking about those e-commerce portals wherein you provide your credit card details to buy a product or a service. The key to effectively promoting a SME, a B2C or B2B service is to propagate information in an eye-grabbing, ‘seductive’ format. In a sea of similarly designed, developed and priced products, how can your website promote your product in a conventional yet ‘different’ manner? How can your B2C or B2B service or offer be shown as a better option than your competition? The bottom line is that a website that presents its selection of products in an imaginative, creative and targeted format is more likely to attract a sustained impetus of an appreciative audience than a website that believes in tossing the information at a visitor in a hurried and jaded fashion and allows him/her to land at a judgement rather than forcing it on the very impressionable visitor. 

Right, the presentation aspect of our drive is taken care of. The next concern is to attract visitors to your website via some focussed SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work. This calls for some expert help from SEO professionals whose job is to feature your website high on popular search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. For example, for B2B Suppliers involved in the export of B2B services and products. A SEO professional can, with the assistance of powerful content from your website; the influential Social networking sites and a few tricks up his sleeve (ensure all are white hat techniques and not the despised Black hat methods) can give your website a very powerful boost. 

You are your website’s best friend. Thus, the onus to promote your website starts with you. Utilise your Social media connections on sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to spread the word. Make it a standard procedure to tag your web URL in every piece of official or personal communication alongside the habit of subscribing the website as the information hub for your company whenever asked for it. Little ideas like these go a long way in bringing credibility and interest to your web presence.

Thus, the basic ideas for attracting the right audience and promoting your business online are before you. The greatest conquests begin as mere ideas that find the perfect execution- about time you attempted yours.

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